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"But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine." - TITUS 2:1


I pastored at Beech Grove Church for over 15 years.  But due to health reasons, I had to retire.  After preaching over 700 sermons, I preached my final sermon at Beech Grove Church on February 26, 2023.
Click on the "SERMONS" link for a listing of all my Beech Grove Church sermons.  There you can listen to (some messages are in video) or download any sermons you like.


When I retired from pastoring Beech Grove Church, my wife and I started attending a Reformed Baptist Church.  I told the pastor of my new church that I had no desire to get back in the pulpit or teach a Bible study.  But when one has a passion for the Word of God, it's difficult to sit still and do nothing for any length of time.
So after a year of taking a nice refreshing sabbatical from any and all ministry opportunities, I decided to start an online YouTube channel which focuses on teaching sound doctrine.  I record SSD episodes in my home recording studio, promising to keep each episode to around 600 seconds.  This is the ministry I presently do.
Click on the "STUDIO SOUND DOCTRINE" link to learn more about SSD and for a listing of all SSD episodes.


In 2022, I completed writing my book titled "Something's Missing."  It's an autobiography of my journey of being brought up in a strict Catholic family all the way to pastoring a Protestant church in Nelson County, VA.  This book chronicles my 68-year journey from being raised in Pittsburgh, PA. as a faithful Catholic with doubts, uncertainty, guilt, and the pressure to be "good," into a transformed life of Christianity with forgiveness, hope, and the assurance of eternal life.
This book is available on Amazon.  Give it a read!  Click HERE.


I started Limitless Studio Productions (LSP) for me to have an avenue to publicly make available all my work I have created over the years as a Christian preacher.  This includes all the sermons I have preached, episodes of Studio Sound Doctrine (10-minute online Bible teachings), my book "Something's Missing", and soon to come "Story Time with Pastor Mike" stories.
I do not and will not ever charge a dime for any of my work on this site.  Please take and use what you want.  If you do, I simply ask you give me credit where credit is due.  I do all this for the sole pleasure of something to do in my retirement years and hopefully give you, the listener, the joy of being ministered to Spiritually.  I pray my ministry can bring you into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and a better understanding of His Word.
I want to get all my Biblical work documented and available to everyone before it is time for me to go.  I never know when the Lord will decide to bring me home.  But this I know for sure.  He has prepared a place for me and today I am one day closer to glory!
Limitless Studio Productions (LSP) is not an official company or business.  It's simply a name I came up with and it sounded good!

Send an EMAIL to Mike   |   Copyright © 2024   |   Sound Doctrine - a Division of Limitless Studio Productions   |   Updated 9-7-2024